Dear readers,

Since the launch of Caucasus Edition one year ago, there have been many interesting perspectives and points of view on Armenian-Azerbaijani relations published within its pages.

When we started the publication our goals were to create a constructive platform for Azerbaijani and Armenian analysts and bloggers to write side by side and generate more knowledge, analysis and perspectives on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and Azerbaijani-Armenian relations. In the past year, Caucasus Edition hosted more than 100 articles and blog posts by more than 50 authors, majority of whom are Armenians and Azerbaijanis and had over 150,000 visitors.

With the attention of the researchers, analysts and commentators in the region mostly on the official negotiations – there has been and continues to be a shortage of analysis on many important issues surrounding the conflict and its impact on societies.  Caucasus Edition strives to fill this gap by seeking out and publishing authors that use different lenses in analyzing the conflict. In its first year, the Journal published articles on topics such as gender, youth, religion, reconciliation and public attitudes, role of mass media, role of history and memory in conflict and many others. The impact of conflict on education, life of internally displaced and other populations affected by war were also explored.

As the conflict continues to be in the deadlock, the emergence of alternative opinions and innovative approaches is more important than ever in moving forward towards solutions. Bringing out new voices and fresh perspectives has been and will continue to be one of our major goals. To support this goal, the Journal worked with a number of emerging researchers, analysts and graduate students as well as with well-known regional and international experts.

By launching the Russian version of the Journal today, we hope to expand the Azerbaijani and Armenian readership and contribute to increased dialogue between analysts, researchers and practitioners in two societies.

We would like to thank our supporters, US Embassies in Baku and Yerevan and the Norwegian Atlantic Committee whose continuous support enabled us to start up the Journal.

We look forward to the next year, more interesting articles and comments and hope to continue fostering dialogue between two societies.

Please watch our editors talk about Caucasus Edition in the videos below.


Caucasus Edition Editorial Team

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