The Caucasus Edition: Journal of Conflict Transformation is an independent online publication that serves as a forum for scholars, practitioners, journalists, policy analysts and novice researchers to analyze as well as discuss conflicts and related issues in the South Caucasus and Turkey. The purpose of the Journal is to contribute to sustainable peace in the region by developing and expanding the scholarship on the subject and encouraging diverse perspectives and analysis. The Journal publishes also parallel journalistic coverage of recent developments in various locations in the region focusing on events that are of significance for the neighbors or for the regional context.

The Journal welcomes contributions from established researchers as well as emerging analysts and writers. This inter-disciplinary online publication accepts scholarly and analytical articles, as well as reflective writings, that contribute to the better understanding of the conflicts and developments in the region and recommendations for improvement of the peace processes and positive transformation of inter-societal relations. The articles can analyze the conflicts as a whole and/or any factor that potentially has implications for the conflicts or their resolution from the perspective of political science, economy, sociology, anthropology, social psychology, collective memory studies, comparative history, identity theories, conflict transformation and resolution.

Views expressed in the Journal are those of the authors.

Please contact us with questions or submit articles to editor@migration.local. The Journal invites feedback, comments, and suggestions from its readers.

The History of the Journal

The Journal was conceived by the alumni of the dialogue programs of the Imagine Center for Conflict Transformation of 2009 and 2010 and founded by the then co-directors of the Center Philip Gamaghelyan and Jale Sultanli. Until Summer 2012, the Journal was managed by the Imagine Center for Conflict Transformation.

In Summer 2012, the Journal became independent of the Imagine Center for Conflict Transformation and was operated by a regional team led by Jale Sultanli, in collaboration, at different times, with Afaq Alizada, Irina Ghaplanyan, Tamar Paladjian and Margarita Tadevosyan.

In Summer 2015, the Imagine Center together with its affiliate the South Caucasus Open School once again assumed the management of the Journal.


The journal has been funded at various times with support of grants from the US embassies, Norwegian Atlantic Committee, UK FCO, ACT, Swedish Foreign Ministry, Black Sea Trust, as well as the voluntary work of the editor team.